01 September 2009

People of Earth

i was thinking this weekend about our connection to the Earth

and i came to the conclusion that the human body is simply a microcosm of the Earth

just like Earth, our bodies are equipped with all of the necessary elements to maintain, replenish, and heal themselves

under optimal conditions, of course

it is our impatient nature and lack of faith in this autonomy that leads us to so much illness - in ourselves and in the Earth

you break a bone and have surgery, so you're prescribed a steroid to reduce inflammation

that steroid causes depression, so you're prescribed an antidepressant,

which causes insomnia, so you take tranquilizers

that cause anxiety, so you get an anti-anxiety drug that leads to a host of other issues and so on and so forth

that's the way it works in America

deal with the condition at hand superficially without any regard for consequences...until the effects appear

it's the same way we treat the Earth

we think in terms of what we want and need in the moment without any regard for the environmental cost, with the attitude that we can just fix it later

later is now

but fixing one thing just leads to ruining something else and then you end up with irreversible destruction

Nature provides us with all of the necessary tools to be healthy

we just have to wait for them

rushing a delicate biological process always ends up with disastrous results - they just may not be immediately perceived

or they may not seem to effect you personally, so it's easy to consider yourself removed from the condition

we have to start taking better care of ourselves and our surroundings and exercising a little patience

lesson: good things take time to create.

I appreciate you *Lester*

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