23 November 2009

"The Platinum* Rule"

a good gift isn't something you would want

it's something you know the recipient does

respecting and being considerate of someone doesn't mean "treating them the way you want to be treated," as has been said for generations

you should treat other people the way THEY want to be treated

it has nothing to do with your own social expectations and desires

the thing about it is that this is much more difficult to do

it's easy to go through life managing relationships based on our own wants

we're well aware of those

but making the effort to understand what someone else's needs are takes a great deal more effort

effort that we should all be putting forth

lesson: this has nothing to do with how you feel.

I appreciate you KRS One

1 comment:

  1. YES!!
    how selfish is it to treat others as you wish to be treated?!

    we've been sucked into the iPOD way of thinking.
