28 October 2009

Trust Were Thee

trust is one of the most delicate of binding forces

once it has been slightly compromised, it's as good as completely shattered

restoration and repair can't be achieved by individualized attention given to isolated situations as they arise

effort must be given to rebuild the entire structure from the ground up and not just to apply temporary patches to the holes in the story as the emotions begin to seep through

without absolute trust, there is no hope for a functioning relationship.

it takes work on both sides every moment of every day to reach that point

if trust has been damaged, it is the responsibility of the alleged offender to adjust the actions that led to the destruction

however, an equally important duty is that of the proposed victim

this person must open up and be receptive to recognizing the restoration efforts and accepting them and working on releasing anger and moving forward toward healing

without both elements, there's no chance

lesson: trust and be trusted.

I appreciate you Deceit

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