03 February 2010

Conversion Therapy

emotional forces are the most compelling motivators of humankind

they are a powerful energy, which can't be blocked or destroyed

what we can do is redirect them

we do it all the time

though, quite often to the disadvantage of ourselves and our community

it takes you an hour to make a typically-fifteen-minute trip home

naturally, you're frustrated

someone greets you at home completely innocently and you respond aggressively, directing frustration from an uncontrollable situation toward an uninvolved bystander, likely offending that person

in the same way, we can redirect the extreme passion behind our frustrations and pain toward a positive, creative outlet

engaging in an activity that requires problem solving and critical thinking is more than just a distraction

it is an opportunity to channel seemingly senseless feelings and impulses into constructive exploration and discovery, leading to a feeling of accomplishment and control

some of the most beautiful music was inspired by the most unbearable heartbreak

it is when we are most aware of our emotions that we are able to thoroughly tap into a source of passion of which we may typically be unaware

and it is passion that translates a good idea into a brilliant product

lesson: let the unfavorable work in your favor.

I appreciate you Art

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