26 November 2009

Nagging Rights

sometimes if you just give people a chance, they'll end up doing what you would've asked without you having to

and sometimes asking before the person gets the chance to volunteer ruins the desire to give

lesson: have a little faith.

I appreciate you Lisa

23 November 2009

"The Platinum* Rule"

a good gift isn't something you would want

it's something you know the recipient does

respecting and being considerate of someone doesn't mean "treating them the way you want to be treated," as has been said for generations

you should treat other people the way THEY want to be treated

it has nothing to do with your own social expectations and desires

the thing about it is that this is much more difficult to do

it's easy to go through life managing relationships based on our own wants

we're well aware of those

but making the effort to understand what someone else's needs are takes a great deal more effort

effort that we should all be putting forth

lesson: this has nothing to do with how you feel.

I appreciate you KRS One

22 November 2009

Let Grow

when considering romantic compatibility, we think in terms of "common interests"

but these interests to which we are referring are typically our basic worldly hobbies and pastimes

these commonalities can only take two people but so far

the true measure of the prospect of progress is in alignment far beyond our conscious, voluntary behaviors and desires

it is in the alignment of spiritual growth and development

only when you can grow spiritually with someone, individually and together, and continue to move forward, individually and together, can you expect to maintain a healthy and prosperous relationship

true Love is eternal

a union of two souls is not a temporary task or accomplishment

it reaches far beyond anything we can perceive or understand, including time and space

and when we find ourselves a part of such a union, we become responsible for the wellbeing of the entire unit, not just the self-contained part

lesson: it's so much bigger than what you see.

I appreciate you *Lester*

19 November 2009

First, Aid

opportunity is like that watched pot that never boils

if you focus on just finding ways to advance yourself, without any regard for others, you sabotage yourself with selfishness

interestingly, when you aim to dedicate yourself to helping others, you end up in situations that advance your own mission as well

if you find someone's work worth contributing to, then it will benefit you

lesson: it does so much for us to do for others.

I appreciate you Marco Polo

No Doubt

there's never only one way to do anything

it takes not only courage, but also a ton of creativity to embark on the [seemingly] less-traveled path

just because everyone around you has done something the same way doesn't mean that you're meant to follow

even if it worked out wonderfully for them

and just because everyone around you has done something the same way doesn't mean that's the way most people, in general, have

the exception isn't always the minority

and if they are, the majority isn't always the greatest example

no one understands your Mission better than you and your Creator

so stay focused and confident

lesson: "doubt is suicide."

I appreciate you Sonnie Daze

06 November 2009

Junk Info Die It

ignorance is bliss

the word "ignorance," though, connotes a level of intention

it isn't simply being unaware

it is, to some extent, choosing not to avail oneself to a particular piece of knowledge

this is what allows us to achieve bliss

selectively, though passively, filtering what we allow to enter our sphere

the same way we avoid animals and foods to which we have allergies, we can steer clear of harmful information in order to preserve our mental health

lesson: some things are better left unknown.

I appreciate you simple intelligence

02 November 2009


we waste so much energy trying to conform to what we've been conditioned to think is "normal" and "right"

and we end up fighting what is natural

we feel the need to fight back our tears or to deny our jealousy and frustrations in order to maintain some phony held-together image

sometimes we fall apart

and the power is in putting it back together, not in pretending like it isn't happening

that's the makings of a heart attack

emotions are a blessing

but we curse ourselves in their honor

if people just felt and said the way they feel right away, and other people made a comfortable environment for them to do so, we could avoid so much conflict

so many relationships slowly decay and disintegrate, unbeknownst to their participants as they sit back and hide their true feelings

and at the same time, these people's souls are painfully crumbling as well

that's how you end up waking up one day and wondering what happened and where you were when it did

our feelings are essential and important

and we shouldn't hide from them or hide them from others

it doesn't make you weak to acknowledge that you feel something and to let it be known in order to attend to it properly

lesson: don't fake.

I appreciate you vulnerability 

01 November 2009

Fear Naught

fear is just plain dangerous

when fear is in your spirit and your mind, it distracts you from everything in your mental scope

not to mention, it makes you tense

and anyone can tell you, distraction mixed with tension is a recipe for disaster

it's a sure route to you or someone else getting hurt

lesson: release.

I appreciate you reckless youngsters

Random Acts of Kindness

a little consideration goes a long way

taking the time to do something nice for another person not only charges one's spirit, but also it can alter the direction of the entire relationship

lesson: make a small effort, make a big change.

I appreciate you Bryan

Great Exchange Rate

there's enough room at the top for everyone

the idea that competition is necessary is a falsity

each of us has a different piece of the puzzle that can assist another along the way

and if we just help each other, we'll get there much more quickly and easily

plus we'll have company instead of enemies when we get there

lesson: lend a hand.

I appreciate you Erias http://www.2papercuts.com/

Joy Us

"being sad sucks. so hold onto your happiness. or what makes you happy."

if you have a choice between the big grey cloud or the little silver lining, why not focus on the pleasant side of the situation

even if 99 out of a hundred things are absolutely dreadful, it's easier to focus on that one awesome thing as opposed to trying to divide your attention between a bunch of things that make you feel horrible

lesson: being happy just makes more sense.

I appreciate you Tamika :)