22 November 2009

Let Grow

when considering romantic compatibility, we think in terms of "common interests"

but these interests to which we are referring are typically our basic worldly hobbies and pastimes

these commonalities can only take two people but so far

the true measure of the prospect of progress is in alignment far beyond our conscious, voluntary behaviors and desires

it is in the alignment of spiritual growth and development

only when you can grow spiritually with someone, individually and together, and continue to move forward, individually and together, can you expect to maintain a healthy and prosperous relationship

true Love is eternal

a union of two souls is not a temporary task or accomplishment

it reaches far beyond anything we can perceive or understand, including time and space

and when we find ourselves a part of such a union, we become responsible for the wellbeing of the entire unit, not just the self-contained part

lesson: it's so much bigger than what you see.

I appreciate you *Lester*

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