26 August 2009

No, Thank You

beggars can be choosers

just because you really need something (say, a job, for instance) it doesn't mean you can't have standards

it's ok to have limits and it's possible to have your needs met within them

the satisfaction is way more genuine

lesson: holding to your values, not compromising them, ensures highest success.

I appreciate you Peacefood and Lush ladies

25 August 2009


'you create the path by walking it"

yes you have to have a plan, but plans are nothing without actual action

often, ideas, when manifested, assume a form slightly different than imagined

such is the nature of thought evolving into expression

gotta get out there and move and let things happen

initial force generates momentum and progress necessarily ensues

essentially effortlessly eventually

get going!

lesson: thoughts are the embryos of actions, created, protected, and developed in a conscious womb of cognition.

I appreciate you Karma

23 August 2009

Next, Please

sometimes you have to be reeeeeeeeally patient for quality work

you rush to get something done, it gets done wrong

you wait forever for your turn, you're happy with what you end up with

it's worth it to me

either you end up with a poor job that costs months, maybe years, to repair


you spend half a day on it and move on content

i'll take the latter

lesson: put off til tomorrow what you can't do well today.

I appreciate you lazy Sunday and very talented man

It's A Wonderful Life

success begins where fear ends

"our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure..."

(i've seen that quote accredited to a few folks, including Nelson Mandela and Marianne Williamson)

think about how suspicious and uncomfortable you get when things go your way

you start wondering when the "lucky streak" is going to wear off and life will plummet to the depths of discontent and discomfort, where you're used to it

and guess what? you're negative thinking will probably satisfy your expectation

why is success and happiness so unexpected and so frightening?

we have been conditioned to believe that contentment and enjoyment are some unusual esoteric conditions that we have no hope of ever achieving

that's only for those special people in the world

you're not supposed to enjoy school

you're not supposed to enjoy work

you're not supposed to enjoy relationships

geez. what is there then?

it's Deception.

life is meant to be enjoyed at every moment, at every phase, by every person

and it's really not that scary. it's pretty wonderful, actually

living at the highest level of existence (Bliss), while constantly fearing falling into the pits disappointment just defeats the purpose.

lesson: have a great life.

I appreciate you *Lester* and Triple D

22 August 2009

Out of Control

sometimes it's harder to accept help than it is to give it

needing help makes people feel vulnerable, when it's actually a Blessing to have people around to help

it's counterproductive to not do what someone else tells you to just because someone else told you to

that's a waste of time.

people often speak from a place much higher than superficial personal interest when it comes to health and safety of a loved one

and rejecting that advice could hurt a lot more than the slight bruising of an ego that has conceded to accepting a helping hand

lesson: you can't do it all alone.

I appreciate you maturity

21 August 2009

Selective Hearing

sometimes we let our expectations overpower our senses

we make ourselves think we heard what we expected to hear

lots of arguments get started and perpetuated that way

and none get avoided or ended

instead of just guessing that someone said something horrible and offensive, find out what they actually did say

human language is highly interpretive

and the thought-to-speech-to-hearing-to-thought process is highly specialized and very intricate

take your time, take delicate steps, not giant leaps

lesson: abandon preconceptions.

I appreciate you Wise Elder

Honesty is Our Policy

you don't have to be sneaky to get what you want

not in personal matters or in business

sneakiness sends out a sense of untrustworthiness and and starts a cycle of dishonesty

how can you conduct any legitimate and fortified business with someone you can't trust?

keep it direct, keep it plain, keep it simple

it's too hard to play guessing games and for everyone to try to keep up with each other's lies (or omissions of sections of the truth)

lesson: play it straight.

I appreciate you *Lester* and Five19 Guys

Two Many Second Opinions

it's sensible to think that the more [qualified] people you consult, the better results you'll get

what really happens, though, is a bunch of confusion

it turns into a war of credentials and you probably end up going along with the piece of advice that coincides with what you wanted to do in the first place

ultimately, it comes down to a personal decision

seeking guidance is a wonderful thing, but it defeats the purpose when you end up with more "solutions" than you have problems

a large part of being informed is knowing yourself and there's no one out there more qualified to do that than you

lesson: be your own most trusted adviser.

I appreciate you doctors and folk

Send Me a Sign

when you ask the Universe for a sign, it will always deliver

you have to be open to receive it and interpret it correctly

you also have to be prepared to undergo some very uncomfortable, possibly painful, conditions

the sign may not come right when you ask for it or at a time when you're expecting it or in a form that you can understand immediately

but it most definitely will come

IF you ask.

lesson: if you want it, just ask.

I appreciate you *Lester* and the Universe

Help Me Help You

i always thought that people would only be supportive when you do what they want you to do

then i realized that if people really love you, then what they want you to do is to do what YOU want to do

and they're happy to help

lesson: to be a leader be a follower of your heart

I appreciate you supporters

New Impressions

over several of the past days i've been thinking a lot about the importance of making impressions

and i realized that it really isn't always the first impression that necessarily means the most

it does at the time

since that's all you've got

but down the line when you have the opportunity to show a little more of yourself, the most current impression is the most significant

lesson: image is a process.

I appreciate you family

15 August 2009

Use As Directed

yesterday i was thinking,

our society breeds desperation

in health


physical appearance

you keep people desperate, you keep them needing whatever it is you want to push on them

after surgery, a doctor cautions that failing to adhere to a strict regiment of pharmaceuticals could result in all sorts of complications and disasters, failing to emphasize the complications and disasters that could arise from taking them

they make it seem like the drugs are the ONLY way to reduce pain and the risk of infection, but there really are no guarantees

the risk of suffering dangerous side effects is extremely high

but they kick it to you like those things are unlikely to happen

"well if you don't take this you will lose your vision. if you do take it, yea maybe you'll be a little nauseous, maybe have some headaches, moods wings...blah blah..."

and what can you do you? risk your vision?

of course you're going to go out and spend money on whatever they tell you will fix you

because you're afraid and the "expert" told you to

lesson: always get a second opinion...third and fourth and fifth, even.

I appreciate you *Lester*

14 August 2009

Hanging Dream Catchers

"...people in third world countries, in the hood...you have to dream to get out of that"

status quo comfort impedes progress

why would you reach farther and push harder when you're content?

vision is the ability to see beyond what's in front of you and the less you have in front of you, the more freedom of creativity you have

dream big

and be ready to accept the challenges associated with your request of the Universe

because it won't be easy

if it was, would you really feel that accomplished?

lesson: paint the picture no matter what it takes to get the necessary materials.

I appreciate you *Lester*

12 August 2009

Net Gain v Gross Loss

originally, i was considering this in the context of time

but when i thought, wrote, and read what i wrote, it had a more universal application for me

with closing time growing closer and closer, do you say forget it because you probably won't make it anyway? or just go for it?

go for it!

50% chance - make it or miss it

if you don't go for it, 100% chance of missing it

...whatever "it" may be

lesson: increase the odds by taking a chance with no cost.

I appreciate you June

Not-So-Personal Records


i got some serious advice from this woman i met

she said something to the effect of:

"...you do something now in your 20s and it could come back and mess you up when you're in your 50s...see when we were growing up, we could make a mistake and that was it. nobody would ever know...but NOW, there are so many records and things keeping up with what y'all do...you're writing your story. write your own story."


we've all heard it before, but for real EVERYthing you put out here is out here. for good. for the finding of whomever may go looking


lesson: always present yourself in the best light, via any media.

I appreciate you Brenda

11 August 2009

Instant Gratifrustration

careful not to block Blessings

i find myself doing one of two very counterproductive things

1. i stop myself from starting something, hoping for something better to come along

2. if i do actually start something, i never fully commit, hoping for something better to come along

in either case, i end up selling myself short.

we've all been cautioned about the dangers of "living in the moment," but, think about it, where else...or i should say when else...can you live?

the past? no. the future? nope.

don't feel bad being in the now, because guess what, you can't be anywhere else

and the beautiful thing is that putting your energy into the best now possible inherently also builds the best future as well

the present is an investment

i can't think of how many times i've passed up volunteer opportunities and things thinking "man this would be cool...but i need MONEY"

the funny thing is that had i actually spent my time being productive, volunteering myself, i'm sure i would have put myself in the path to receive the resources i needed (that's actually happened to me so many times)

lesson: what you need will find its way to you if you find your way to what needs you.

I appreciate you morning shower

10 August 2009

All the World's a Stage

i've been thinking so business-like lately

everywhere i go is an opportunity to network and make contacts

but i NEVER seem to have any info on me

no business cards or resumes

i'm all over this email game, though

especially having no phone and all

lesson: always be prepared.

I appreciate you awesome area talent

Is It Really Worth It?

ignorance is not bliss.

not when that ignorance is equivalent to the potential of contracting a chronic STD

sorry to get so serious, but this needs to be said. it's getting crazy out here

we need to educate ourselves and each other about the real risks associated with sex and be smart about the decisions we make

all it takes is one time.

and in some cases, you don't even have to really do anything to catch something

and in MANY cases, what you catch is yours forever

is that really the way you want to remember someone?...or be remembered?

lesson: know where people are coming from, including yourself.

I appreciate you anonymous soldiers

09 August 2009

Get Down to the Needy Greedy

people don't like asking for help

and it's bigger than just not being able to humble oneself

it's about greed

what's the problem in sharing recognition for an accomplishment?

share the labor, share the profit

sometimes you need help. why make things hard for yourself?

lesson: it doesn't make you any less distinguished to be so with company.

I appreciate you June and Danny

08 August 2009

Wholly Matrimony

what's the point of marriage?

the outlook i heard today made good sense

when one half of the unit suffers, the other can pick up the slack

when children are involved, a marriage provides a level of security, ensuring that if things get a little rocky on one side, assistance can kick in automatically and keep things flowing

lesson: sometimes a little piece of paper does make a difference.

somewhat as an extension of the "joblessness" discussion

stress kills.

people aren't just sad, they're sick

and you can't tell me there's no correlation between emotional and mental contentment and physical health

so on top of drinking water, exercising regularly, and eating well, add freeing your mind to that list

lesson: meditation is the best medicine.

I appreciate you June

07 August 2009

Service Interruption

man this communication game is getting too sick for me

deleted my Facebook and Twitter

dropped my cell

...well, it kinda dropped me

pretty liberating, nonetheless

it's bad enough that people, though of your choosing, can see when you're online - from your computer OR your cell now - but how about people can see satellite images of your home and possibly the neighborhood alley cat lounging behind it

that is way too creepy for me

i realized that my having a cell phone isn't as much about my own convenience as it is about the comfort of those [worriers] around me

i can say this - you certainly become quite innovative with modes of communication and self-sufficient about handling business

lesson: you feel more connected to yourself when you're less connected to a digital network.

I appreciate you *Lester* and mommies

06 August 2009

Economy? Econoyou.

if you say it enough, it will be

i'm not saying the economy is fine, but i am saying that the more we talk about how awful it is, the more awful it will be...like anything else

the media bombards us with negativity, as usual, promoting and encouraging hopelessness and failure

and we give in

so many people aren't even looking for jobs because they just KNOW "there are none"

then what is all this i see on Craigslist? huh?


get out and take some charge and stop mounting your hopelessness platform atop somebody's "can't"

lesson: things are not always as they seem - at least, they don't have to be.

something else

there is no cookie-cut life plan

well, there is

but it probably won't fit too well

instead of trying to fit some generic mold, why not cast one custom-fit to you

you can't walk somebody else's lifepath - it wasn't made for you

lesson: make your own way.

I appreciate you Marianna, *Lester*, and Timothy Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek - get on it

04 August 2009

Credit Check

college can be a great tool

i've been having this (very long-standing) battle with devoting my time and energy...and cash, well credit, to school

and i feel like, it's not worth it...for me.

but i do know other people who are totally reaping the benefits of the college thing

so, i look at it like this:

if everybody says you should go to school "to get a good job," then you should make sure you set yourself up to actually do that

the trick is that the system is designed for you to get a good job...working for someone else

but if you flip it so that you're building your own little business along the way, then it is worth it and that degree with be more than just a piece of paper that is supposed to label you more qualified than the other guy, it will be a symbol of being able to have the life you want

it is tough having to go into crazy debt, but when you think about it, if done correctly, you're making a wise investment...like a person who takes out loans to start her own business and doesn't profit for yeeeeeeeears down the line

so, school or not, you have to be smart either way

and intelligence runs way deeper than memorizing and regurgitating facts from a blackboard or textbook

lesson: college is supposed to be a "stepping stone" into the real world, so make sure it actually is.

along the lines of credit and debt

Malcolm X had it right

i'm THIS close to just sticking the stack under the mattress...well, i mean once i get that stack

these banks will rob you blind

so keep your eyes open and watch what they do

lesson: electronic doesn't mean error-proof.

I appreciate you Kara, Malcolm, and Bank of America

Digging Deep Without

people are spiritual symbols

the people in your life represent things inside of you, that can either be positive or negative

and often, physically getting rid of a negative person is symbolic of getting rid of negativity in one's spirit

lesson: the worst things you see in someone else may actually be the worst things in yourself.

I appreciate you, Courtney and Kara

03 August 2009

You Are yOUR Universe

“we’re all the same.”

so simple, yet so complicated somehow

if everything on Earth (and beyond) is supposedly composed of the same stuff, why do we act like everything is so separate and different?

it's not.

if people just recognized how much everyone affects everyone else, on a chemical, electrical, astrological, spiritual, environmental, emotional level, maybe they’d start to be more conscious of their actions and stop screwing things up for each other

lesson: there is no singular “you” in reality.

another thing

if something “bad” happens, it's for a good reason. instead of dwelling on how horrible things and people seem to be, don’t. things will stay as horrible as your outlook is

lesson: happiness is a choice.

I appreciate you, Kara