30 October 2009

Blind Sighed

it's the deed that makes you great, not the recognition

lesson: give even when no one can see you.

I appreciate you ingratitude

Sentimentally Unstable

we assign transcendental significance to inanimate objects

this way we are able to concretize memories and emotions into something tangible

but then we end up hanging onto things that we don't need, considering them to be valuable necessities, when they no longer have functional use for us

memories exist independent of physical symbolism

lesson: reduce clutter.

I appreciate you excess removal

Change You Can. Believe In

change is marked by traversing personal checkpoints in life

places where we stand and look back and realize that we will never return to where we were before

not by deliberate forceful effort, but by natural progression and evolution

like quitting smoking or adopting a new diet

the only way those things work is if we truly, from within ourselves, desire to make a change

it will happen effortlessly

you won't even have to expend the energy to consciously choose to do things differently, you will just find yourself incapable of reverting to the way things were

lesson: work on genuinely wanting it to happen as opposed to trying to force it.

I appreciate you pivotal moments

Inner Ear Inflection

you have to be in tune with your body

it's important to quiet the mind and inhibit our senses from outward interference in order to listen inward

if something is not quite right with you

the answers and solutions can only be found inside

lesson: hear you.

I appreciate you self discovery

29 October 2009

Each One Teach One

all of our experiences aren't always for our own benefit

sometimes we go through things in order to be able to share our discoveries with others to help them along their paths

the purpose of advancing intellectually or spiritually is to be able to assist in the elevation of our contemporaries and successors

lesson: share the wealth of knowledge.

I appreciate you Morgan

The Great Test

you're only as strong as your weakest attribute

regardless of how great of features you have or how many of them there are, the unflattering ones will always stand out more

actually, they're even more prominent the more awesome you are overall

unfavorable features stand out strongly against a contrasting amazing entirety

it's just easier to point out flaws and to give criticism than to give compliments and praise

we do it even in self-observation

perhaps we should take comfort in acknowledging that the more noticeable our negative attributes are, the greater and more numerous our positive ones must be

however, that greatness will be dimmed considerably in the shadow of our flaws

lesson: let the best you shine through.

I appreciate you critical compliments


they say you should never let anyone have power over affecting your feelings, neither in a positive nor negative direction

though it's nice to find someone who means more to you than anything in the world,

it's also dangerous

it's so easy to forget about yourself in the process of trying to be with and do for someone else

until you realize that you're both just looking out for the other person and there's nobody left to look out for you

if you put your own life and dreams on hold in order to pour yourself into someone else's, you'll end up with nothing

you'll feel great satisfaction in helping someone you love, but when it comes time to work on your own project, you'll be way behind and probably alone in the struggle

because the other person will be well along their way and too occupied to be concerned with you and your journey

just because you've sacrificed yourself, don't expect that you'll be given any consideration or recognition

that wasn't the purpose in the first place anyway

lesson: you're the only one you can expect to put you first.

I appreciate you selfless acts unrequited

28 October 2009

For Old Times Make

we are all products of experience

while history is an explanation of present, it shouldn't be used as an excuse for it

there may be a good reason for the way you are, rooted in the past, but be careful not to fall back on it to justify yourself in your indiscretions

lesson: there's no need to make excuses.

I appreciate you experiential building blocks

Access Denied

if you have to force your way into a situation, without being invited or welcomed in, you don't belong there

you can tell when you're not wanted in someone's space

and there's nothing you can do to change that

someone has to want you there and bring you in

and if that doesn't happen, you're just not meant to be in that place

lesson: it's not on you.

I appreciate you hard realization

Two-Way Treat

reciprocity is an elusive ideal

because its existence assumes that both parties are in agreement about what they perceive to be valuable or equivalent

and that's highly unlikely

what is likely is someone, or both, feeling like things are unequal and one-sided because there are varying ideas about the values of respective inputs

lesson: just give without thinking about matching contributions.

I appreciate you perceived injustice

Chemical Redaction

if you're "not yourself" in a certain situation, then you should think about not continuing to do what you're doing

we are sensitive receptive beings, governed and propagated by chemical reactions and interactions, internally and externally

sometimes our personal chemistry just doesn't mix with the environments in which we place ourselves and is unfavorably altered

we are responsible for our actions

however, we are certainly prone to behavior that is influenced by certain negative influences and external chemical interactions

one level of reinforcement is fortifying your sphere to make it impermeable to these forces

another effort that can be made is avoiding and removing yourself from those things you notice make you feel, and possible act, unusual and unpleasant

you may not necessarily always be the absolute source of the unpleasantness or the sole entity with responsibility for it, but you are the only part of the equation over which you have dominion

you can't change what other people do and you can't even change the way it makes you feel

but you can just not put yourself in the position to have to deal with it until you're strong enough to not be affected

however, if something "brings out the worst in you," once it's out there in the open, acknowledge it, recognize it, and leave it outside of you

be thankful for whatever allowed you to see it and possibly stay away from that thing (or person) until you've worked on yourself enough to not be affected

lesson: if you're not you when you're there, stay away.

I appreciate you utter hopeless frustration

Trust Were Thee

trust is one of the most delicate of binding forces

once it has been slightly compromised, it's as good as completely shattered

restoration and repair can't be achieved by individualized attention given to isolated situations as they arise

effort must be given to rebuild the entire structure from the ground up and not just to apply temporary patches to the holes in the story as the emotions begin to seep through

without absolute trust, there is no hope for a functioning relationship.

it takes work on both sides every moment of every day to reach that point

if trust has been damaged, it is the responsibility of the alleged offender to adjust the actions that led to the destruction

however, an equally important duty is that of the proposed victim

this person must open up and be receptive to recognizing the restoration efforts and accepting them and working on releasing anger and moving forward toward healing

without both elements, there's no chance

lesson: trust and be trusted.

I appreciate you Deceit

23 October 2009

Intuition is a Mother

things aren't always what they seem

however, sometimes that's exactly what they are

stranger things than what you suspect have certainly happened

so don't be swayed by the perceived prudence of erring on the side of caution

trust your instincts

not your emotions,

your instincts

there's a difference

lesson: know that difference and act accordingly.

I appreciate you Morgan and Karen at Provena Mercy

Struggle Power

there's a difference between fighting for what you want and fighting against what you need

what you need will happen without your interference

but you can block it by seeking out what you want and think you're meant to have

while there is no progress without struggle, there's also no progress with struggle against it

work hard but work in the direction of the natural flow of things

otherwise that hard work will just be an exhausting waste of energy and not get you any closer to success

lesson: there's a difference between progressive struggle and counterproductive struggle.

I appreciate you progress

Old Beginnings and New Endings

every person we encounter has entered our lives for a very unique and specific purpose

and when that purpose is fulfilled, the person must exit our life

sometimes nature and circumstance take care of making that happen for us

other times, it is solely our duty

and that's when things get tricky

because we don't see our relationships as missions

we see the person and not their purpose

and it's in our nature to get attached to other people

especially when we find that we've enjoyed their company or we recognize having learned from them

we want it to last forever

but it's also nature that nothing does

it's a difficult thing to realize and accept and even more difficult to follow through

sometimes you just have to let things go

including people

no matter how valuable they've been or how appreciative you are of them

when it's time to separate, it will happen, whether you struggle against it or not

lesson: have fun while it lasts.

I appreciate you life, love, and learning

08 October 2009

The Art of Human Being

no one has the right to disrespect or condescend to anyone else

regardless of of social, economical, or employment position

just because someone is your "boss," don't think that means that you should accept treatment from them that you wouldn't from anyone else

before money, socially constructed "status," or perceived power, we are all simply expressions of the same old DNA

no more, no less

and each of us is therefore no more or no less deserving than the next person of basic consideration

lesson: Respect.

I appreciate you WC of YP

Guilt Trippin

it doesn't do anyone any good to do something that you really don't want to

if you do a favor for someone and your heart really isn't in it, then that person would have probably been better off with your "help"

they'll just end up feeling bad for inconveniencing you

and if you want someone to do something and they decline, there's no sense in trying to make them feel bad

personally, I'd prefer no job over a half-hearted empty appeasement

lesson: just say no.

I appreciate you Marianna

07 October 2009

Never, Miss A. Beat

sometimes just looking like you know what you're doing is enough to make it work

if you're in a dance class, for example, and you forget the combination, the WORST possible thing you can do is stop moving

the whole "deer in the headlights" look is not cool

this is in any situation

if you get caught off guard in an interview with an expected question, just keep the conversation moving

counter with a follow-up question to give yourself a little time to think

always be alert

lesson: be confident.

I appreciate you Hip Hop blunders

Time Out

there's no such thing as having no time

as none of us really owns time ever anyway

if you really want to do something, you will

regardless of what else you may have to do or how much time there is to do it

lesson: don't make excuses.

I appreciate you Busy Backson ;)

01 October 2009

Try to Try Never Again

trying isn't the goal

it's just a channel along the sequence between beginning and completing something

don't set out to just try something because there will be no expectation of ultimate achievement, just an open-ended act with no foreseeable conclusion

trying is something that happens on its own in the process of working toward a goal

we don't have to make any conscious effort to just try

lesson: set your sights further.

I appreciate you pirouettes and things


anything that you're willing to put the effort forth to do you should put full effort toward

things just work better that way

the task is most effectively executed and therefore you get the greatest satisfaction in having your name attached to it

everything you do is a representation of you so make every action your best

however, this doesn't mean that you have to over-exert yourself or expend more energy than necessary

different tasks have different energy costs

lesson: do your best, but don't do more than you have to.

I appreciate you Steps and Fari

In Moderation

even too much water can kill you

don't overdo it

a wonderful thing becomes a horrible thing in excess

lesson: enough is enough.

I appreciate you delicious obsessions