28 October 2009

Chemical Redaction

if you're "not yourself" in a certain situation, then you should think about not continuing to do what you're doing

we are sensitive receptive beings, governed and propagated by chemical reactions and interactions, internally and externally

sometimes our personal chemistry just doesn't mix with the environments in which we place ourselves and is unfavorably altered

we are responsible for our actions

however, we are certainly prone to behavior that is influenced by certain negative influences and external chemical interactions

one level of reinforcement is fortifying your sphere to make it impermeable to these forces

another effort that can be made is avoiding and removing yourself from those things you notice make you feel, and possible act, unusual and unpleasant

you may not necessarily always be the absolute source of the unpleasantness or the sole entity with responsibility for it, but you are the only part of the equation over which you have dominion

you can't change what other people do and you can't even change the way it makes you feel

but you can just not put yourself in the position to have to deal with it until you're strong enough to not be affected

however, if something "brings out the worst in you," once it's out there in the open, acknowledge it, recognize it, and leave it outside of you

be thankful for whatever allowed you to see it and possibly stay away from that thing (or person) until you've worked on yourself enough to not be affected

lesson: if you're not you when you're there, stay away.

I appreciate you utter hopeless frustration

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