23 October 2009

Old Beginnings and New Endings

every person we encounter has entered our lives for a very unique and specific purpose

and when that purpose is fulfilled, the person must exit our life

sometimes nature and circumstance take care of making that happen for us

other times, it is solely our duty

and that's when things get tricky

because we don't see our relationships as missions

we see the person and not their purpose

and it's in our nature to get attached to other people

especially when we find that we've enjoyed their company or we recognize having learned from them

we want it to last forever

but it's also nature that nothing does

it's a difficult thing to realize and accept and even more difficult to follow through

sometimes you just have to let things go

including people

no matter how valuable they've been or how appreciative you are of them

when it's time to separate, it will happen, whether you struggle against it or not

lesson: have fun while it lasts.

I appreciate you life, love, and learning

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