26 November 2009

Nagging Rights

sometimes if you just give people a chance, they'll end up doing what you would've asked without you having to

and sometimes asking before the person gets the chance to volunteer ruins the desire to give

lesson: have a little faith.

I appreciate you Lisa

23 November 2009

"The Platinum* Rule"

a good gift isn't something you would want

it's something you know the recipient does

respecting and being considerate of someone doesn't mean "treating them the way you want to be treated," as has been said for generations

you should treat other people the way THEY want to be treated

it has nothing to do with your own social expectations and desires

the thing about it is that this is much more difficult to do

it's easy to go through life managing relationships based on our own wants

we're well aware of those

but making the effort to understand what someone else's needs are takes a great deal more effort

effort that we should all be putting forth

lesson: this has nothing to do with how you feel.

I appreciate you KRS One

22 November 2009

Let Grow

when considering romantic compatibility, we think in terms of "common interests"

but these interests to which we are referring are typically our basic worldly hobbies and pastimes

these commonalities can only take two people but so far

the true measure of the prospect of progress is in alignment far beyond our conscious, voluntary behaviors and desires

it is in the alignment of spiritual growth and development

only when you can grow spiritually with someone, individually and together, and continue to move forward, individually and together, can you expect to maintain a healthy and prosperous relationship

true Love is eternal

a union of two souls is not a temporary task or accomplishment

it reaches far beyond anything we can perceive or understand, including time and space

and when we find ourselves a part of such a union, we become responsible for the wellbeing of the entire unit, not just the self-contained part

lesson: it's so much bigger than what you see.

I appreciate you *Lester*

19 November 2009

First, Aid

opportunity is like that watched pot that never boils

if you focus on just finding ways to advance yourself, without any regard for others, you sabotage yourself with selfishness

interestingly, when you aim to dedicate yourself to helping others, you end up in situations that advance your own mission as well

if you find someone's work worth contributing to, then it will benefit you

lesson: it does so much for us to do for others.

I appreciate you Marco Polo

No Doubt

there's never only one way to do anything

it takes not only courage, but also a ton of creativity to embark on the [seemingly] less-traveled path

just because everyone around you has done something the same way doesn't mean that you're meant to follow

even if it worked out wonderfully for them

and just because everyone around you has done something the same way doesn't mean that's the way most people, in general, have

the exception isn't always the minority

and if they are, the majority isn't always the greatest example

no one understands your Mission better than you and your Creator

so stay focused and confident

lesson: "doubt is suicide."

I appreciate you Sonnie Daze

06 November 2009

Junk Info Die It

ignorance is bliss

the word "ignorance," though, connotes a level of intention

it isn't simply being unaware

it is, to some extent, choosing not to avail oneself to a particular piece of knowledge

this is what allows us to achieve bliss

selectively, though passively, filtering what we allow to enter our sphere

the same way we avoid animals and foods to which we have allergies, we can steer clear of harmful information in order to preserve our mental health

lesson: some things are better left unknown.

I appreciate you simple intelligence

02 November 2009


we waste so much energy trying to conform to what we've been conditioned to think is "normal" and "right"

and we end up fighting what is natural

we feel the need to fight back our tears or to deny our jealousy and frustrations in order to maintain some phony held-together image

sometimes we fall apart

and the power is in putting it back together, not in pretending like it isn't happening

that's the makings of a heart attack

emotions are a blessing

but we curse ourselves in their honor

if people just felt and said the way they feel right away, and other people made a comfortable environment for them to do so, we could avoid so much conflict

so many relationships slowly decay and disintegrate, unbeknownst to their participants as they sit back and hide their true feelings

and at the same time, these people's souls are painfully crumbling as well

that's how you end up waking up one day and wondering what happened and where you were when it did

our feelings are essential and important

and we shouldn't hide from them or hide them from others

it doesn't make you weak to acknowledge that you feel something and to let it be known in order to attend to it properly

lesson: don't fake.

I appreciate you vulnerability 

01 November 2009

Fear Naught

fear is just plain dangerous

when fear is in your spirit and your mind, it distracts you from everything in your mental scope

not to mention, it makes you tense

and anyone can tell you, distraction mixed with tension is a recipe for disaster

it's a sure route to you or someone else getting hurt

lesson: release.

I appreciate you reckless youngsters

Random Acts of Kindness

a little consideration goes a long way

taking the time to do something nice for another person not only charges one's spirit, but also it can alter the direction of the entire relationship

lesson: make a small effort, make a big change.

I appreciate you Bryan

Great Exchange Rate

there's enough room at the top for everyone

the idea that competition is necessary is a falsity

each of us has a different piece of the puzzle that can assist another along the way

and if we just help each other, we'll get there much more quickly and easily

plus we'll have company instead of enemies when we get there

lesson: lend a hand.

I appreciate you Erias http://www.2papercuts.com/

Joy Us

"being sad sucks. so hold onto your happiness. or what makes you happy."

if you have a choice between the big grey cloud or the little silver lining, why not focus on the pleasant side of the situation

even if 99 out of a hundred things are absolutely dreadful, it's easier to focus on that one awesome thing as opposed to trying to divide your attention between a bunch of things that make you feel horrible

lesson: being happy just makes more sense.

I appreciate you Tamika :)

30 October 2009

Blind Sighed

it's the deed that makes you great, not the recognition

lesson: give even when no one can see you.

I appreciate you ingratitude

Sentimentally Unstable

we assign transcendental significance to inanimate objects

this way we are able to concretize memories and emotions into something tangible

but then we end up hanging onto things that we don't need, considering them to be valuable necessities, when they no longer have functional use for us

memories exist independent of physical symbolism

lesson: reduce clutter.

I appreciate you excess removal

Change You Can. Believe In

change is marked by traversing personal checkpoints in life

places where we stand and look back and realize that we will never return to where we were before

not by deliberate forceful effort, but by natural progression and evolution

like quitting smoking or adopting a new diet

the only way those things work is if we truly, from within ourselves, desire to make a change

it will happen effortlessly

you won't even have to expend the energy to consciously choose to do things differently, you will just find yourself incapable of reverting to the way things were

lesson: work on genuinely wanting it to happen as opposed to trying to force it.

I appreciate you pivotal moments

Inner Ear Inflection

you have to be in tune with your body

it's important to quiet the mind and inhibit our senses from outward interference in order to listen inward

if something is not quite right with you

the answers and solutions can only be found inside

lesson: hear you.

I appreciate you self discovery

29 October 2009

Each One Teach One

all of our experiences aren't always for our own benefit

sometimes we go through things in order to be able to share our discoveries with others to help them along their paths

the purpose of advancing intellectually or spiritually is to be able to assist in the elevation of our contemporaries and successors

lesson: share the wealth of knowledge.

I appreciate you Morgan

The Great Test

you're only as strong as your weakest attribute

regardless of how great of features you have or how many of them there are, the unflattering ones will always stand out more

actually, they're even more prominent the more awesome you are overall

unfavorable features stand out strongly against a contrasting amazing entirety

it's just easier to point out flaws and to give criticism than to give compliments and praise

we do it even in self-observation

perhaps we should take comfort in acknowledging that the more noticeable our negative attributes are, the greater and more numerous our positive ones must be

however, that greatness will be dimmed considerably in the shadow of our flaws

lesson: let the best you shine through.

I appreciate you critical compliments


they say you should never let anyone have power over affecting your feelings, neither in a positive nor negative direction

though it's nice to find someone who means more to you than anything in the world,

it's also dangerous

it's so easy to forget about yourself in the process of trying to be with and do for someone else

until you realize that you're both just looking out for the other person and there's nobody left to look out for you

if you put your own life and dreams on hold in order to pour yourself into someone else's, you'll end up with nothing

you'll feel great satisfaction in helping someone you love, but when it comes time to work on your own project, you'll be way behind and probably alone in the struggle

because the other person will be well along their way and too occupied to be concerned with you and your journey

just because you've sacrificed yourself, don't expect that you'll be given any consideration or recognition

that wasn't the purpose in the first place anyway

lesson: you're the only one you can expect to put you first.

I appreciate you selfless acts unrequited

28 October 2009

For Old Times Make

we are all products of experience

while history is an explanation of present, it shouldn't be used as an excuse for it

there may be a good reason for the way you are, rooted in the past, but be careful not to fall back on it to justify yourself in your indiscretions

lesson: there's no need to make excuses.

I appreciate you experiential building blocks

Access Denied

if you have to force your way into a situation, without being invited or welcomed in, you don't belong there

you can tell when you're not wanted in someone's space

and there's nothing you can do to change that

someone has to want you there and bring you in

and if that doesn't happen, you're just not meant to be in that place

lesson: it's not on you.

I appreciate you hard realization

Two-Way Treat

reciprocity is an elusive ideal

because its existence assumes that both parties are in agreement about what they perceive to be valuable or equivalent

and that's highly unlikely

what is likely is someone, or both, feeling like things are unequal and one-sided because there are varying ideas about the values of respective inputs

lesson: just give without thinking about matching contributions.

I appreciate you perceived injustice

Chemical Redaction

if you're "not yourself" in a certain situation, then you should think about not continuing to do what you're doing

we are sensitive receptive beings, governed and propagated by chemical reactions and interactions, internally and externally

sometimes our personal chemistry just doesn't mix with the environments in which we place ourselves and is unfavorably altered

we are responsible for our actions

however, we are certainly prone to behavior that is influenced by certain negative influences and external chemical interactions

one level of reinforcement is fortifying your sphere to make it impermeable to these forces

another effort that can be made is avoiding and removing yourself from those things you notice make you feel, and possible act, unusual and unpleasant

you may not necessarily always be the absolute source of the unpleasantness or the sole entity with responsibility for it, but you are the only part of the equation over which you have dominion

you can't change what other people do and you can't even change the way it makes you feel

but you can just not put yourself in the position to have to deal with it until you're strong enough to not be affected

however, if something "brings out the worst in you," once it's out there in the open, acknowledge it, recognize it, and leave it outside of you

be thankful for whatever allowed you to see it and possibly stay away from that thing (or person) until you've worked on yourself enough to not be affected

lesson: if you're not you when you're there, stay away.

I appreciate you utter hopeless frustration

Trust Were Thee

trust is one of the most delicate of binding forces

once it has been slightly compromised, it's as good as completely shattered

restoration and repair can't be achieved by individualized attention given to isolated situations as they arise

effort must be given to rebuild the entire structure from the ground up and not just to apply temporary patches to the holes in the story as the emotions begin to seep through

without absolute trust, there is no hope for a functioning relationship.

it takes work on both sides every moment of every day to reach that point

if trust has been damaged, it is the responsibility of the alleged offender to adjust the actions that led to the destruction

however, an equally important duty is that of the proposed victim

this person must open up and be receptive to recognizing the restoration efforts and accepting them and working on releasing anger and moving forward toward healing

without both elements, there's no chance

lesson: trust and be trusted.

I appreciate you Deceit

23 October 2009

Intuition is a Mother

things aren't always what they seem

however, sometimes that's exactly what they are

stranger things than what you suspect have certainly happened

so don't be swayed by the perceived prudence of erring on the side of caution

trust your instincts

not your emotions,

your instincts

there's a difference

lesson: know that difference and act accordingly.

I appreciate you Morgan and Karen at Provena Mercy

Struggle Power

there's a difference between fighting for what you want and fighting against what you need

what you need will happen without your interference

but you can block it by seeking out what you want and think you're meant to have

while there is no progress without struggle, there's also no progress with struggle against it

work hard but work in the direction of the natural flow of things

otherwise that hard work will just be an exhausting waste of energy and not get you any closer to success

lesson: there's a difference between progressive struggle and counterproductive struggle.

I appreciate you progress

Old Beginnings and New Endings

every person we encounter has entered our lives for a very unique and specific purpose

and when that purpose is fulfilled, the person must exit our life

sometimes nature and circumstance take care of making that happen for us

other times, it is solely our duty

and that's when things get tricky

because we don't see our relationships as missions

we see the person and not their purpose

and it's in our nature to get attached to other people

especially when we find that we've enjoyed their company or we recognize having learned from them

we want it to last forever

but it's also nature that nothing does

it's a difficult thing to realize and accept and even more difficult to follow through

sometimes you just have to let things go

including people

no matter how valuable they've been or how appreciative you are of them

when it's time to separate, it will happen, whether you struggle against it or not

lesson: have fun while it lasts.

I appreciate you life, love, and learning

08 October 2009

The Art of Human Being

no one has the right to disrespect or condescend to anyone else

regardless of of social, economical, or employment position

just because someone is your "boss," don't think that means that you should accept treatment from them that you wouldn't from anyone else

before money, socially constructed "status," or perceived power, we are all simply expressions of the same old DNA

no more, no less

and each of us is therefore no more or no less deserving than the next person of basic consideration

lesson: Respect.

I appreciate you WC of YP

Guilt Trippin

it doesn't do anyone any good to do something that you really don't want to

if you do a favor for someone and your heart really isn't in it, then that person would have probably been better off with your "help"

they'll just end up feeling bad for inconveniencing you

and if you want someone to do something and they decline, there's no sense in trying to make them feel bad

personally, I'd prefer no job over a half-hearted empty appeasement

lesson: just say no.

I appreciate you Marianna

07 October 2009

Never, Miss A. Beat

sometimes just looking like you know what you're doing is enough to make it work

if you're in a dance class, for example, and you forget the combination, the WORST possible thing you can do is stop moving

the whole "deer in the headlights" look is not cool

this is in any situation

if you get caught off guard in an interview with an expected question, just keep the conversation moving

counter with a follow-up question to give yourself a little time to think

always be alert

lesson: be confident.

I appreciate you Hip Hop blunders

Time Out

there's no such thing as having no time

as none of us really owns time ever anyway

if you really want to do something, you will

regardless of what else you may have to do or how much time there is to do it

lesson: don't make excuses.

I appreciate you Busy Backson ;)

01 October 2009

Try to Try Never Again

trying isn't the goal

it's just a channel along the sequence between beginning and completing something

don't set out to just try something because there will be no expectation of ultimate achievement, just an open-ended act with no foreseeable conclusion

trying is something that happens on its own in the process of working toward a goal

we don't have to make any conscious effort to just try

lesson: set your sights further.

I appreciate you pirouettes and things


anything that you're willing to put the effort forth to do you should put full effort toward

things just work better that way

the task is most effectively executed and therefore you get the greatest satisfaction in having your name attached to it

everything you do is a representation of you so make every action your best

however, this doesn't mean that you have to over-exert yourself or expend more energy than necessary

different tasks have different energy costs

lesson: do your best, but don't do more than you have to.

I appreciate you Steps and Fari

In Moderation

even too much water can kill you

don't overdo it

a wonderful thing becomes a horrible thing in excess

lesson: enough is enough.

I appreciate you delicious obsessions

29 September 2009


just because things around you are in a frenzy doesn't mean things inside of you have to be too

calm and peace are achieved from the inside

therefore, surroundings are truly irrelevant

instead of absorbing the madness, and thereby contributing to it, maintain a tranquil disposition and let it spread

lesson: maintain.

I appreciate you lunch rush

Special Care

some things must always be exempt from "cutting back"

you must properly nourish and care for yourself regardless of where you are and how much money you're trying to save

or else, you'll end up with far more expensive issues to deal with down the line

lesson: there's just no getting around some thing.

I appreciate you special needs

27 September 2009

Empty Handread

if you find what you went out looking for, get it

shopping around for a good deal is wise

but looking around all day and ending up with nothing sure isn't

zero dollars may be the best price, but zero product is the worst result

lesson: don't go away empty-handed.

I appreciate you Harlem Saturday


it's great to lend a helping hand

but you have to make sure you've met you're own needs first

it sounds a little selfish, but ultimately, it's better for the other person really

you can't fully commit yourself to selflessness while you're preoccupied with an unmet personal need

lesson: handle your business.

I appreciate you Environmental Biology

24 September 2009

Makes Practice Perfect

don't do things you think are silly

that doesn't mean never do them and always think they're silly

take the time to research for better understanding, which will give the action greater significance

when beginning any new practice, wait until you're ready and open to fully appreciate what you're doing

you don't have to prove anything to anyone


practice is a personal phenomenon

lesson: don't be influenced.

I appreciate you stubbornness

Sankofa Projection

while dwelling in the past and feelings of guilt is unhealthy, it is important to acknowledge where you've been and just how you've come to be where you are at present

it will give solid indication of where you're headed

when you're driving to a place you've never been to before, you orient yourself using familiar landmarks along the way

and if you make a wrong turn, you simply learn that you need to get off of the road you're on and find a different one

life is the same way

lesson: know where you've been in order to know where you're going.

I appreciate you Fari and self reflection

Lost Cause

you have to love yourself, unconditionally

unconditional love requires forgiveness

you have to forgive yourself

it's very toxic to the spirit and detrimental to progress to harp on things that have happened

the beautiful thing about time is that it never stops moving

and once a moment has ended, it is no more

why bring your mind to negativity that is no longer in existence?

in thought, we can immortalize things that have long passed and extend pain and frustration far beyond their necessary life spans

release guilt

lesson: don't concern yourself with things that are no longer relevant.

I appreciate you Fari

20 September 2009


"being realistic" doesn't mean thinking negatively

there is no such thing as "hoping for the best and expecting the worst"

the two sentiments are contradictory and confuse spiritual channels, resulting in blocking positivity

don't cheat yourself by attempting to safeguard against disappointment

there is no universal evidence that an unfavorable outcome is more likely to occur than a wonderful one

why not just always--more than hope for--expect greatness?

you haven't failed if things go differently than you foresaw

lesson: there's no shame in not knowing the future.

I appreciate you Ken

Upper Blessed Side

location location location

in order to be in a mental place to receive blessings from the Universe you must be in the appropriate physical place

if you want to be a dancer, you have to live amongst dancers and all dance-related things

you can't have a polar bear in the desert

the Universe can't deliver gifts to environments in which they can't thrive

lesson: live in your dream's optimum habitat.

I appreciate you NYC

19 September 2009

Reality Theatre

we are all performers, as well as audience members every moment of every day

what we wear, the way we talk

both are planned and constructed according to where we're going and what we're doing there

the way we represent ourselves, verbally and in appearance, gives clues about our goals, just as a performer's costume is representative of her character

on the other end, we are constantly perceiving and interpreting each other's visual and auditory signals

we are not only performer, but also audience

lesson: put on a tasteful show and be a respectful spectator.

I appreciate you Nyne

17 September 2009

Busy Bodies

there's no sense in keeping busy and getting nothing accomplished

there's great value in stillness

making a conscious effort to quiet the mind and the body and having that ONLY as a goal is perfectly fine, and necessary

running around all over the place trying to look like you're occupied is simply a waste of energy

lesson: accomplishment doesn't have to be perceivable from the outside.

I appreciate you frantic "go-getters"

Time Trials

just because you know where you want to be doesn't mean you're ready and able to get there just yet

though, just knowing is a major accomplishment in itself

don't stress yourself out thinking about where and who you think you should be

you can't rush it

and everything you are doing right now, no matter how irrelevant it seems, is preparation for the next step in your journey

you have to build tools and develop skills you may not have even known you needed

every experience is necessary and significant

what you "should be" doing is exactly what you're doing right now.

lesson: don't rush it.

I appreciate you Nyne

14 September 2009

Natural Selection

adaptation is overrated

why should we have to adjust ourselves and fabricate personalities in hopes of being accepted into some thought-to-be "elite" social group?

we don't.

instead of seeking to adjust yourself according some arbitrary pre-set standard, seek out, or create, an environment into which you fit perfectly the way you wonderfully are

there's a time and place for everything,

including you

lesson: the change needed isn't in who you are, but where you are.

I appreciate you Tru

Grudges to Gratitude

the worst thing that has ever happened to you in your life

is one of the best

had it not happened, you wouldn't be who or where you are right now

so if you were angry or upset about something difficult, or even horrible, that happened,

be grateful instead

lesson: give Thanks.

I appreciate you tough times and beautiful outcomes

13 September 2009

Family Matters

family is so important

often, your family members aren't necessarily blood relatives

sometimes those people are the closest to us

you have to have somebody to share your joys and your sorrows, to cheer you on, to keep you grounded, to look out for you

it makes life so fulfilling

lesson: stay in touch.

I appreciate you Illini fam

11 September 2009

Happy Hunting

you can't ever allow anyone or anything to cause you to lose your joy

no one can steal it

but you can give it up

and you can lose track of yourself and time

anger is something that we personally own

even though you can say you're angry at something or someone, that negative energy is directed inward and affects you more than anyone else

it's pure poison.

lesson: be happy.

I appreciate you Lisa

Not As I Say, Do As I Do

lead by example

it can be offensive and overwhelming for someone to be told what to do, even if it's sensible and positive

just show them the way

plus, action is much easier to describe by demonstration, as opposed to explanation

lesson: be a living success story.

I appreciate you many Muses

09 September 2009

A Penny for Your Thoughts

money is simply a concrete symbol of abstract ideas

first, freedom

we all equate having money with having freedom

the two are not synonymous, though

the absence of money is also quite significant, as financial strain often incites creative thinking

instead of getting bent out of shape about stretched finances and focusing on the absence, focus on what is available

your're likely to come across an idea or opportunity that would have been imperceptible had you not been "forced" to find it

lesson: everything isn't money.

I appreciate you renegade economy

World to the Wise

heed the Wisdom of your elders

...this doesn't necessarily refer to only those who are temporally "older"

it also refers to those who are experientially more advanced as well

and this doesn't only refer to direct verbal exchanges

watch what they do as well

you're sure to learn something valuable

this expands to those folks in our extended EXTENDED community as well (people we don't personally know...yet)

it really is ok to talk to strangers

they're just messengers of the Universe

lesson: don't block the knowledge channels.

I appreciate you Morgan, Marianna, and countless fellow colloquists

Natural Relaxation Aid

old habits die hard

and so do you if you don't let go of the toxic ones

even if you have a good reason to feel bad about something, it's always a bad idea to not feel good about everything

stress has physical manifestations that make everything in life more difficult

it takes a lot to "just get over it," but it takes a whole lot more out of you to hold onto negativity

lesson: release.

I appreciate you childbirth class instructor and Morgan

08 September 2009


the road to the top is very narrow - fit for one

there's no room to carry any extra baggage

in order to reach your dreams, you have to focus your energies fully on doing so - and nothing else

this can be hard to handle, whether you're the one on the path or one of the ones on the sidelines

on the sidelines, it's easy to feel forgotten and left behind

but the positive focus is on the forward movement of the one in progress

lesson: love and let live.

I appreciate you Morgan, Trulon, and *Lester*

07 September 2009

Your-Year Plan

there is certainly value in completion

but who's to say when a task is complete?

you may embark upon a prescribed four-year college plan and decide just a semester in that it is not in your best interest to continue with the program

for you, you have completed the task

just because something is designed to be followed over a certain amount of time, does not mean that every person will get the most out of remaining for that entire term

life is an experiential patchwork

lesson: take your time.

I appreciate you Devan

Team Spirit

it's great to have a support system

a whole team of people who have the same vision and dreams for you as you have for yourself

it only serves to reinforce the signals you're sending to the Universe to ask for its help

it's like when a bunch of people write letters or protest together - more spirits generate more energy and build stronger influence

however, you have to show the Universe that you want that for which you're asking

meaning that you have to actually work toward it

you and your team

to each of your respective abilities

lesson: work together.

I appreciate you *Lester*, Trulon, Clary's, Lisa, and Morgan

05 September 2009

Please, Take Mine

chances are there's somebody out there who needs something you have way more than you do

as the over-sold bus i was on was juuuuuuuust about to pull off, i noticed that a girl was hysterical about not being able to make it onto the bus

she obviously had something very important to do on the other side under a time constraint

i didn't.

so i gave up my seat

my bus did end up getting stuck in an hour's worth of traffic, but i ended up right on time

i hope she did too

lesson: if you don't need it, give it to someone who does.

I appreciate you grateful recipient

04 September 2009

How May You Help I?

we can't do everything ALL by ourselves

so ask for help

but also be willing to give it

there is always something that you can offer that someone is in great need of and vice versa

if it's money you need, there is someone who has it, who is willing to share

if it's friendliness and gratitude you have to offer, that may be all someone is looking for

ask for help when you need it and give help when and how you can

it's ALWAYS possible to get done what you need to, you just have to be willing to put forth the necessary effort, which includes asking for assistance

lesson: use and be used.

I appreciate you Monsieur Elriz and Kara

03 September 2009

Get Under It

anger, sadness, frustration

they are superficial indicators of spiritual misalignment

not states of being

they are natural and human

but they are simply meant to signal the presence of something much deeper that needs to be addressed

if something makes you angry, you know that an adjustment is necessary

either externally, with the thing that you believe caused you to feel angry

or internally, with whatever in you caused you to respond by feeling angry

we shouldn't suppress or ignore such feelings

on the contrary, we should acknowledge them attentively

in order to discover the true cause and devise an appropriate course of action

if we simply allow such feelings to go unaddressed, then we will never clear the blockage

lesson: feel what you feel when you feel and feel better.

I appreciate you Kara and Morgan

02 September 2009

Rough Draft

there is nothing more frustrating than losing (or having stolen) something irreplaceable

especially something you created like a piece of art or a written work

you know that you will never be able to recreate what you had originally put together

maybe that's not so bad

it's likely that what you end up with the second time around will be even more inspired, having been fueled with the passion of a strange mix between utter disappointment and pure necessity

the Universe just forced a do-over, surely with good reason

lesson: don't sweat it.

I appreciate you thoughtless thieves and their unsuspecting victims

01 September 2009

Mental Exercises

flexibility is essential

while the Universe will certainly provide that which you request of it, the request may not be fulfilled in the exact form you had expected

don't hold too tightly to expectations

also, don't worry about what you want not happening

because those thoughts will send the wrong signals, keeping your desire from manifesting

interestingly, it's much easier done than said

lesson: don't worry.

I appreciate you Donnalynn

Ped Antics

when you're on an important mission, you have to provide your body with basic needs or else you'll be really distracted from your work

you have to take the time to rest, nourish, and comfortably clothe yourself so that you can focus only on the goal at hand

lesson: take care.

I appreciate you feet (even though I haven't been showing it)

People of Earth

i was thinking this weekend about our connection to the Earth

and i came to the conclusion that the human body is simply a microcosm of the Earth

just like Earth, our bodies are equipped with all of the necessary elements to maintain, replenish, and heal themselves

under optimal conditions, of course

it is our impatient nature and lack of faith in this autonomy that leads us to so much illness - in ourselves and in the Earth

you break a bone and have surgery, so you're prescribed a steroid to reduce inflammation

that steroid causes depression, so you're prescribed an antidepressant,

which causes insomnia, so you take tranquilizers

that cause anxiety, so you get an anti-anxiety drug that leads to a host of other issues and so on and so forth

that's the way it works in America

deal with the condition at hand superficially without any regard for consequences...until the effects appear

it's the same way we treat the Earth

we think in terms of what we want and need in the moment without any regard for the environmental cost, with the attitude that we can just fix it later

later is now

but fixing one thing just leads to ruining something else and then you end up with irreversible destruction

Nature provides us with all of the necessary tools to be healthy

we just have to wait for them

rushing a delicate biological process always ends up with disastrous results - they just may not be immediately perceived

or they may not seem to effect you personally, so it's easy to consider yourself removed from the condition

we have to start taking better care of ourselves and our surroundings and exercising a little patience

lesson: good things take time to create.

I appreciate you *Lester*

In a Dreamlife State


sometimes you just have to be stubborn

when you KNOW what you need and you know what's right for you, nothing else matters

it takes a lot to reach you goals

and many of the experiences along the path will not even seem relevant

before you take off for the very top, you have to start from the very bottom

you have to strip yourself down to your bare core in order to build the most effective you from scratch, which can be a very painful process

but if you're willing to give up everything, even yourself (or what you know it to be currently), then you will be able to have whatever it is that you heart desires

it won't be immediate

and you may not always understand what exactly is happening or why

but eventually, you'll get there, if you remain open, faithful, humble, and thankful

the Universe provides us with all necessary tools, we just have to let it know what we need and work toward it every moment of our existence (even when we don't know we are)

lesson: give it your all and you'll get it all.

I appreciate you *Lester* my Inspiration



hopelessness is a form of Deception

it multiplies and intensifies very quickly and overcomes one's entire being

and it's impossible to think positively and progressively under those conditions

no matter our physical condition, we have to work to float above hopeless negativity that can pass through our spiritual space from time to time

if you let yourself get pulled in, eventually your thoughts will no longer be your own and you will begin to take action that works to bring you further from contentment and success, thus adding to your sense of hopelessness

lesson: there is always a way.

I appreciate you Kara

Cheap Skate


i saw that you don't always have to pay more for higher quality

sometimes it's just a matter of shopping around to find the best deal

just because something costs more does NOT mean it's better

lesson: sometimes less means more.

I appreciate you MegaBus

26 August 2009

No, Thank You

beggars can be choosers

just because you really need something (say, a job, for instance) it doesn't mean you can't have standards

it's ok to have limits and it's possible to have your needs met within them

the satisfaction is way more genuine

lesson: holding to your values, not compromising them, ensures highest success.

I appreciate you Peacefood and Lush ladies

25 August 2009


'you create the path by walking it"

yes you have to have a plan, but plans are nothing without actual action

often, ideas, when manifested, assume a form slightly different than imagined

such is the nature of thought evolving into expression

gotta get out there and move and let things happen

initial force generates momentum and progress necessarily ensues

essentially effortlessly eventually

get going!

lesson: thoughts are the embryos of actions, created, protected, and developed in a conscious womb of cognition.

I appreciate you Karma

23 August 2009

Next, Please

sometimes you have to be reeeeeeeeally patient for quality work

you rush to get something done, it gets done wrong

you wait forever for your turn, you're happy with what you end up with

it's worth it to me

either you end up with a poor job that costs months, maybe years, to repair


you spend half a day on it and move on content

i'll take the latter

lesson: put off til tomorrow what you can't do well today.

I appreciate you lazy Sunday and very talented man

It's A Wonderful Life

success begins where fear ends

"our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure..."

(i've seen that quote accredited to a few folks, including Nelson Mandela and Marianne Williamson)

think about how suspicious and uncomfortable you get when things go your way

you start wondering when the "lucky streak" is going to wear off and life will plummet to the depths of discontent and discomfort, where you're used to it

and guess what? you're negative thinking will probably satisfy your expectation

why is success and happiness so unexpected and so frightening?

we have been conditioned to believe that contentment and enjoyment are some unusual esoteric conditions that we have no hope of ever achieving

that's only for those special people in the world

you're not supposed to enjoy school

you're not supposed to enjoy work

you're not supposed to enjoy relationships

geez. what is there then?

it's Deception.

life is meant to be enjoyed at every moment, at every phase, by every person

and it's really not that scary. it's pretty wonderful, actually

living at the highest level of existence (Bliss), while constantly fearing falling into the pits disappointment just defeats the purpose.

lesson: have a great life.

I appreciate you *Lester* and Triple D

22 August 2009

Out of Control

sometimes it's harder to accept help than it is to give it

needing help makes people feel vulnerable, when it's actually a Blessing to have people around to help

it's counterproductive to not do what someone else tells you to just because someone else told you to

that's a waste of time.

people often speak from a place much higher than superficial personal interest when it comes to health and safety of a loved one

and rejecting that advice could hurt a lot more than the slight bruising of an ego that has conceded to accepting a helping hand

lesson: you can't do it all alone.

I appreciate you maturity

21 August 2009

Selective Hearing

sometimes we let our expectations overpower our senses

we make ourselves think we heard what we expected to hear

lots of arguments get started and perpetuated that way

and none get avoided or ended

instead of just guessing that someone said something horrible and offensive, find out what they actually did say

human language is highly interpretive

and the thought-to-speech-to-hearing-to-thought process is highly specialized and very intricate

take your time, take delicate steps, not giant leaps

lesson: abandon preconceptions.

I appreciate you Wise Elder

Honesty is Our Policy

you don't have to be sneaky to get what you want

not in personal matters or in business

sneakiness sends out a sense of untrustworthiness and and starts a cycle of dishonesty

how can you conduct any legitimate and fortified business with someone you can't trust?

keep it direct, keep it plain, keep it simple

it's too hard to play guessing games and for everyone to try to keep up with each other's lies (or omissions of sections of the truth)

lesson: play it straight.

I appreciate you *Lester* and Five19 Guys

Two Many Second Opinions

it's sensible to think that the more [qualified] people you consult, the better results you'll get

what really happens, though, is a bunch of confusion

it turns into a war of credentials and you probably end up going along with the piece of advice that coincides with what you wanted to do in the first place

ultimately, it comes down to a personal decision

seeking guidance is a wonderful thing, but it defeats the purpose when you end up with more "solutions" than you have problems

a large part of being informed is knowing yourself and there's no one out there more qualified to do that than you

lesson: be your own most trusted adviser.

I appreciate you doctors and folk

Send Me a Sign

when you ask the Universe for a sign, it will always deliver

you have to be open to receive it and interpret it correctly

you also have to be prepared to undergo some very uncomfortable, possibly painful, conditions

the sign may not come right when you ask for it or at a time when you're expecting it or in a form that you can understand immediately

but it most definitely will come

IF you ask.

lesson: if you want it, just ask.

I appreciate you *Lester* and the Universe

Help Me Help You

i always thought that people would only be supportive when you do what they want you to do

then i realized that if people really love you, then what they want you to do is to do what YOU want to do

and they're happy to help

lesson: to be a leader be a follower of your heart

I appreciate you supporters

New Impressions

over several of the past days i've been thinking a lot about the importance of making impressions

and i realized that it really isn't always the first impression that necessarily means the most

it does at the time

since that's all you've got

but down the line when you have the opportunity to show a little more of yourself, the most current impression is the most significant

lesson: image is a process.

I appreciate you family

15 August 2009

Use As Directed

yesterday i was thinking,

our society breeds desperation

in health


physical appearance

you keep people desperate, you keep them needing whatever it is you want to push on them

after surgery, a doctor cautions that failing to adhere to a strict regiment of pharmaceuticals could result in all sorts of complications and disasters, failing to emphasize the complications and disasters that could arise from taking them

they make it seem like the drugs are the ONLY way to reduce pain and the risk of infection, but there really are no guarantees

the risk of suffering dangerous side effects is extremely high

but they kick it to you like those things are unlikely to happen

"well if you don't take this you will lose your vision. if you do take it, yea maybe you'll be a little nauseous, maybe have some headaches, moods wings...blah blah..."

and what can you do you? risk your vision?

of course you're going to go out and spend money on whatever they tell you will fix you

because you're afraid and the "expert" told you to

lesson: always get a second opinion...third and fourth and fifth, even.

I appreciate you *Lester*

14 August 2009

Hanging Dream Catchers

"...people in third world countries, in the hood...you have to dream to get out of that"

status quo comfort impedes progress

why would you reach farther and push harder when you're content?

vision is the ability to see beyond what's in front of you and the less you have in front of you, the more freedom of creativity you have

dream big

and be ready to accept the challenges associated with your request of the Universe

because it won't be easy

if it was, would you really feel that accomplished?

lesson: paint the picture no matter what it takes to get the necessary materials.

I appreciate you *Lester*

12 August 2009

Net Gain v Gross Loss

originally, i was considering this in the context of time

but when i thought, wrote, and read what i wrote, it had a more universal application for me

with closing time growing closer and closer, do you say forget it because you probably won't make it anyway? or just go for it?

go for it!

50% chance - make it or miss it

if you don't go for it, 100% chance of missing it

...whatever "it" may be

lesson: increase the odds by taking a chance with no cost.

I appreciate you June

Not-So-Personal Records


i got some serious advice from this woman i met

she said something to the effect of:

"...you do something now in your 20s and it could come back and mess you up when you're in your 50s...see when we were growing up, we could make a mistake and that was it. nobody would ever know...but NOW, there are so many records and things keeping up with what y'all do...you're writing your story. write your own story."


we've all heard it before, but for real EVERYthing you put out here is out here. for good. for the finding of whomever may go looking


lesson: always present yourself in the best light, via any media.

I appreciate you Brenda

11 August 2009

Instant Gratifrustration

careful not to block Blessings

i find myself doing one of two very counterproductive things

1. i stop myself from starting something, hoping for something better to come along

2. if i do actually start something, i never fully commit, hoping for something better to come along

in either case, i end up selling myself short.

we've all been cautioned about the dangers of "living in the moment," but, think about it, where else...or i should say when else...can you live?

the past? no. the future? nope.

don't feel bad being in the now, because guess what, you can't be anywhere else

and the beautiful thing is that putting your energy into the best now possible inherently also builds the best future as well

the present is an investment

i can't think of how many times i've passed up volunteer opportunities and things thinking "man this would be cool...but i need MONEY"

the funny thing is that had i actually spent my time being productive, volunteering myself, i'm sure i would have put myself in the path to receive the resources i needed (that's actually happened to me so many times)

lesson: what you need will find its way to you if you find your way to what needs you.

I appreciate you morning shower

10 August 2009

All the World's a Stage

i've been thinking so business-like lately

everywhere i go is an opportunity to network and make contacts

but i NEVER seem to have any info on me

no business cards or resumes

i'm all over this email game, though

especially having no phone and all

lesson: always be prepared.

I appreciate you awesome area talent

Is It Really Worth It?

ignorance is not bliss.

not when that ignorance is equivalent to the potential of contracting a chronic STD

sorry to get so serious, but this needs to be said. it's getting crazy out here

we need to educate ourselves and each other about the real risks associated with sex and be smart about the decisions we make

all it takes is one time.

and in some cases, you don't even have to really do anything to catch something

and in MANY cases, what you catch is yours forever

is that really the way you want to remember someone?...or be remembered?

lesson: know where people are coming from, including yourself.

I appreciate you anonymous soldiers

09 August 2009

Get Down to the Needy Greedy

people don't like asking for help

and it's bigger than just not being able to humble oneself

it's about greed

what's the problem in sharing recognition for an accomplishment?

share the labor, share the profit

sometimes you need help. why make things hard for yourself?

lesson: it doesn't make you any less distinguished to be so with company.

I appreciate you June and Danny

08 August 2009

Wholly Matrimony

what's the point of marriage?

the outlook i heard today made good sense

when one half of the unit suffers, the other can pick up the slack

when children are involved, a marriage provides a level of security, ensuring that if things get a little rocky on one side, assistance can kick in automatically and keep things flowing

lesson: sometimes a little piece of paper does make a difference.

somewhat as an extension of the "joblessness" discussion

stress kills.

people aren't just sad, they're sick

and you can't tell me there's no correlation between emotional and mental contentment and physical health

so on top of drinking water, exercising regularly, and eating well, add freeing your mind to that list

lesson: meditation is the best medicine.

I appreciate you June

07 August 2009

Service Interruption

man this communication game is getting too sick for me

deleted my Facebook and Twitter

dropped my cell

...well, it kinda dropped me

pretty liberating, nonetheless

it's bad enough that people, though of your choosing, can see when you're online - from your computer OR your cell now - but how about people can see satellite images of your home and possibly the neighborhood alley cat lounging behind it

that is way too creepy for me

i realized that my having a cell phone isn't as much about my own convenience as it is about the comfort of those [worriers] around me

i can say this - you certainly become quite innovative with modes of communication and self-sufficient about handling business

lesson: you feel more connected to yourself when you're less connected to a digital network.

I appreciate you *Lester* and mommies

06 August 2009

Economy? Econoyou.

if you say it enough, it will be

i'm not saying the economy is fine, but i am saying that the more we talk about how awful it is, the more awful it will be...like anything else

the media bombards us with negativity, as usual, promoting and encouraging hopelessness and failure

and we give in

so many people aren't even looking for jobs because they just KNOW "there are none"

then what is all this i see on Craigslist? huh?


get out and take some charge and stop mounting your hopelessness platform atop somebody's "can't"

lesson: things are not always as they seem - at least, they don't have to be.

something else

there is no cookie-cut life plan

well, there is

but it probably won't fit too well

instead of trying to fit some generic mold, why not cast one custom-fit to you

you can't walk somebody else's lifepath - it wasn't made for you

lesson: make your own way.

I appreciate you Marianna, *Lester*, and Timothy Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek - get on it

04 August 2009

Credit Check

college can be a great tool

i've been having this (very long-standing) battle with devoting my time and energy...and cash, well credit, to school

and i feel like, it's not worth it...for me.

but i do know other people who are totally reaping the benefits of the college thing

so, i look at it like this:

if everybody says you should go to school "to get a good job," then you should make sure you set yourself up to actually do that

the trick is that the system is designed for you to get a good job...working for someone else

but if you flip it so that you're building your own little business along the way, then it is worth it and that degree with be more than just a piece of paper that is supposed to label you more qualified than the other guy, it will be a symbol of being able to have the life you want

it is tough having to go into crazy debt, but when you think about it, if done correctly, you're making a wise investment...like a person who takes out loans to start her own business and doesn't profit for yeeeeeeeears down the line

so, school or not, you have to be smart either way

and intelligence runs way deeper than memorizing and regurgitating facts from a blackboard or textbook

lesson: college is supposed to be a "stepping stone" into the real world, so make sure it actually is.

along the lines of credit and debt

Malcolm X had it right

i'm THIS close to just sticking the stack under the mattress...well, i mean once i get that stack

these banks will rob you blind

so keep your eyes open and watch what they do

lesson: electronic doesn't mean error-proof.

I appreciate you Kara, Malcolm, and Bank of America

Digging Deep Without

people are spiritual symbols

the people in your life represent things inside of you, that can either be positive or negative

and often, physically getting rid of a negative person is symbolic of getting rid of negativity in one's spirit

lesson: the worst things you see in someone else may actually be the worst things in yourself.

I appreciate you, Courtney and Kara

03 August 2009

You Are yOUR Universe

“we’re all the same.”

so simple, yet so complicated somehow

if everything on Earth (and beyond) is supposedly composed of the same stuff, why do we act like everything is so separate and different?

it's not.

if people just recognized how much everyone affects everyone else, on a chemical, electrical, astrological, spiritual, environmental, emotional level, maybe they’d start to be more conscious of their actions and stop screwing things up for each other

lesson: there is no singular “you” in reality.

another thing

if something “bad” happens, it's for a good reason. instead of dwelling on how horrible things and people seem to be, don’t. things will stay as horrible as your outlook is

lesson: happiness is a choice.

I appreciate you, Kara