19 June 2010

Circular Logic

we tend to consider Karma as essentially a cosmic punitive system

we think of it as this ineluctable force that rights wrongs and ensures that everyone gets a taste of their own medicine

as an extension of that what our Karma grants us is the necessary opportunity to understand ourselves through empathy for others we have affected

it's no coincidence that we recurrently find ourselves on different sides of situations we've previously experienced

both enjoyable and trying

for example, there may have been a time that a friend counted on you, and you let that person down

and then later on you find yourself let down by a friend

we tend to just think that our Karma has presented to punish us for our previous shortcoming

the point, however, isn't just to hurt you because you hurt someone else

that would be vengeance, which the Universe doesn't support

the point is for us to have the opportunity to truly understand how our actions made someone else feel, so that we may learn more agreeable methods of operating

when you find yourself revisiting an experience from a different perspective, be grateful for the more comprehensive view

lesson: things come full circle so that we can see all sides.

I appreciate you Phil

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