08 June 2010

Lose for the Win

when we ask the Universe for assistance, it will always deliver

however, we don't always know how to receive these gifts when it's time

sometimes it seems that although we've asked for more, we somehow end up with less

we ask and make ourselves open and available, hoping to gain, and we somehow begin to lose

it's at this point that we often become disappointed and disillusioned and lose our faith

and that's when we block our blessings

the thing to keep in mind is that there must always be space made for the addition of anything new, which means the removal of anything old

we get so attached to things in our sphere that are useless, and even detrimental, that we get stressed out when the Universe clears them away for us, in preparation for greater things to come

we have to remember that when we ask, we must be patient and faithful in order to receive

if you find that things are strangely disappearing from your existence, you're actually likely being rewarded and not punished, so stop wondering what you're doing wrong!

if we allow ourselves to become caught up in the disappointment of losses, we'll never allow ourselves the opportunity to feel the joy of gaining

lesson: every loss is a gain.

I appreciate you Marianna

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